Something Positive Wiki

Pepito Sanchezberg
First appearance August 29, 2002 (Yet Another Goddamn Theatre Story pt 4)
Gender male
Occupation former slave
Comic Something Positive

Avagadro's ownership of Pepito was officially recognized by the government of Campeche.[1]

All of Pepito's early dialogue was written in Spanish.[2] Eventually Pepito let slip that he could speak English.[3]

Pepito lived with Davan for a while, but when money ran low he set out for Tinytopia in Canada.[4] He was attacked by wildlife almost immediately.[5] He somehow escaped, and was later seen ravaging campers in the wild.[6] Eventually he made his way back to Boston.[7]

Pepito stowed away on a trip to New Orleans with Davan, PeeJee, and Aubrey. They forgot him there, and he harvested a kidney[8] from a college kid Aubrey had promised sex.[9]

Eventually he made his way back to Boston, and Aubrey hired him as an assistant at Nerdrotica.[10]

Pepito was killed by catgirls at a large unnamed convention in Indianapolis.[11]
